Sunday 5 June 2011

Human Rights: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Rights

Amnesty International's mandate is all about promoting Human Rights.  It is the violation and abuse of human rights is a big cause of conflict in the past, and today all around the globe.  Amnesty International actively fights for the rights of our local and international neighbours, in many different issues and fields of human rights.   A specific right and present issue I would like to focus on is Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Rights.

It is stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:  "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without distinction of any kind."  This includes the right that everyone has to marry and found a family.  Yet today, in many countries, people are denied the right to marry or express their love because of their sexual orientation.

Sexual Orientation:  A person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. (Web definition)
According to Amnesty International's report of rights on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, "Gender Identity refers  to the complex relationship between sex and gender referring to a person's experience of self expression in relation to social categories of masculinity or femininity (gender).  A person's subjectively felt gender identity may be at variance with their sex or physiological characteristics."  -Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 

Amnesty International is active in defending people's sexual orientation and gender equality rights.
They aim to:

  • Investigate any violations of human rights based on sexuality or gender, and bring those responsible to justice
  • outlaw prejudicial judgement based on sexuality or gender 
  • legalize same-sex marriage where problems exist and abolish marriage laws based on sexuality and gender 
  • maintain protection of those who fight for human rights for freedom of expression of sexuality or gender 

This map shows homosexuality laws around the world, with laws ranging from Same-Sex Marriage legality to Imprisonment or Death Penalty for being homosexual.  

In the United States, there are only six states where gay marriage is legal:  Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Washington DC (city).

According to the ILGA Europe, Europe is the most advanced continent in terms of Sexual Orientation and Gender Equality rights.  However, same-sex marriage is only legal in Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Iceland. 

A chart on the Public Agenda shows a long list of countries in which Homosexuality is illegal.  This likely means that the people living within these countries also are denied freedom of gender equality, same-sex marriage, etc.. 

In my opinion, the legality of Same-Sex Marriage in a country truly shows that there is no tolerance for discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.  As stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to marry, so I believe that every person, no matter who they are or who they love, should have the right to marriage.  Legalizing Same-Sex marriage shows equality in a country, as heterosexuals do not have exclusive marriage rights.  Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage will solve many other issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. 

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